A number is divisible by 12,if it is divisible by both 4 and 3.
Example 1:
Is 34644 divisible by 12?
The last two digits in the number 34644 is 44.So by the divisibility rule for 4 the number 34644 is divisible by 4.
The sum of digits in 34644 is 21 which is divisible by 3.So by the divisibility rule for 3 the number 34644 is divisible by 3.
According to the rule given above,the number 34644 is divisible by 12.
Example 2:
Is 782345 divisible by 12?
The last two digits in the number 782345 is 45. So by the divisibility rule for 4 the number 782345 is not divisible by 4.
The sum of the digits in 782345 is 29 which is not divisible by 3. So by the divisibility rule for 3 the number 782345 is not divisible by 3.
As per the rule given above,the number 7823465is not divisible by 12.